B&W or Color Video Assist for Arriflex 16SR II (Reg16 or Super16)

The CCD image sensor and video assist electronics are mounted inside the camera body. The control module with switches and video output connector is mounted on the camera's side. The power necessary to supply the video assist is taken internally from the camera's 4 pin XLR power input receptacle. The internal image sensor installation provides a picture on the monitor screen that is brighter and sharper than that of the T-bar or modified J-bar video tap because the CCD image sensor is installed closer to the fiber optic viewing screen. The viewfinder image is also brighter because the exposure meter's beamsplitter is removed and replaced by a brighter pellicle T70/R30 type beamsplitter. The video optics is independent of the viewfinder, so the video image is stable even when the viewfinder is rotating. This installation requires that the entire exposure meter section be removed from the camera body. We can install this video assist in NTSC or PAL format.

Arriflex 16SR - Video AssistArriflex 16SR - Video AssistArriflex 16SR - Video Assist

Specifications for the B&W unit:

Specifications for the color unit: